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Basically, there are no rules in the house; as it is run by the self-proclaimed Bad Girls. HOWEVER, as far as fighting goes, there will be a special system. Each girl is allowed to fight up to three times in the house, which means you all have three strikes.

After your first fight, you will get a simple warning. The second time, you will be sent to a hotel for the night. And the third time, the victim of the fight and the victims of previous fights with the said person will decide WITH PROPER REASONING whether you remain in the house or not. And if you're allowed to stay, you will not be given a second chance. The next time you engage in physical violence in the house, you will be removed.
* The first person to start the fight will be the one to lose a strike. *
Of course, there are some things we can tolerate, which you will not get in trouble for. These actions are: scratching,  throwing objects (non-metal),  hair-pulling,  harmless chemical splashing, mushing (the act of pushing the head back), shoving/pushing, spitting, slamming, slinging, tumbling/tackling, and elbowing. However; punching, the use of weapons, kicking, slapping, and biting are forms of fighting and this will cause you to lose one strike.
Also, whether you like it or not, each girl is allowed to have one or two guests in the house overnight. However, if these guests start problems, the remaining eight girls may decide whether the guest goes or stays. If a fight occurs between a guest and a roommate, the girl who allowed the guest into the house will lose a strike.

* These rules do not apply to fights outside of the house.​



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